Daddy's home, and it's time for supper
Hurry on" ……
Where's it gone Oh, where's it gone …..
I built me a castle
With dragons and kings
And I'd ride off with them
As I stood by my window
And looked out on those Brooklyn roads……
Thought of going back
But all I'd see are stranger's faces
And all the scars that love erases
But as my mind walks through those places
I'm wonderin' What's come of them
Does some other young boy
Come home to my room
Does he dream what I did
As he stands by my window
And looks out on those Brooklyn roads
.....................................Neil Diamond
Oh, dear -- she's back to Brooklyn again. Honestly, there's a reason. A couple. A few. On NPR this morning, a sports writer was professing that black athletes made it possible for Barack Obama to approach the White House. He made an interesting case: from athletes to movie heroes to political figures to the presidency. And somehow -- well, it seemed obvious to me at the time -- I thought of Jackie Robinson and the Brooklyn Dodgers. And then I thought of Brooklyn. When it was our world.
Reason number two: My younger brother and his wife are coming to Boston next week and taking me to dinner. I know that sounds like a rather typical event. It isn't. I'm going to see my brother, and nobody died. This is huge! No funeral, no wedding, no bar mitzvah. Just dinner. Wow! And I'm not being facetious.
Reason number three: My buddy Sharon Louise and I saw Neil Diamond in the movies about 100 years ago. And we literally slid down our seats and almost wound up on the floor. It's Sharon's birthday, and I bought her a copy of the new CD I heard by Neil recently; just Neil and his guitar. The DJ was impressed by the artist's brilliance at the ripe old age of 67. Piffle!!! Listening to the wonderful CD, I recalled that Neil is a landsman of mine -- a pizan -- a Brooklyn boy.
Reason number four: On July 27th 2008, Walter O'Malley -- the owner of the Dodgers who moved the team to LA.-- will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Those of us who remember those days, are no doubt wondering what makes him deserve such an honor. Not fame, but infamy is more appropriate.
So all of these synchronistic ingredients seemed to deserve another trip back. Although I've dragged you there before -- I promise you, we haven't scratched the surface. Because it's summer time, I think about Coney Island. I think about Steeplechase: Edward Tilyou's fabulous park at Coney Island. We loved it because it contained the best rides and if the weather was bad, we could still go there, be inside, and have lots of fun. It closed in 1964. I really believe that if Coney Island were brought back to its former glory, people would come from all over the world to be there. It would rival Disney. The Steeplechase Horse ride, the Parachute, -- Nathan's, Shatzkins Knishes, the arcades along Surf Avenue....... Coney Island also had (I think it's still there) the biggest roller coaster in the world called the Cyclone. I don't know if it still has that distinction. I rode the Cyclone once. I never rode it again. 'Nuf said.

On New Year's morning, my Dad would wake me up. We'd bundle up and drive to Coney Island. We'd have hot dogs and knishes for breakfast with hot coffee or tea, and we'd take our feast to the boardwalk. The "Brownies --" a club that went swimming on New Year's Day -- would be diving into the freezing Atlantic Ocean, and Dad would laugh and laugh at the madness. I wonder now if he wished he had the courage to do that himself. Maybe he did do that, growing up in Rockaway Beach; maybe he was revisiting his youth. Coney Island was mine.
Brooklyn was about neighborhoods. My neighborhood was really my street. East 10th Street between Avenue I and Avenue H -- partitioned by the trains at the end of our block. Coney Island Avenue ran

parallel to East 10th Street; street cars/trolley cars ran on Coney Island Avenue from Prospect Park to Brighton Beach. Several blocks in the opposite direction was Ocean Parkway. Back in the day, Ocean Parkway had the road for autos of course, but also a bicycle path, an equestrian path, and a promenade lined with benches. One could rent a horse at Prospect Park stables and ride along Ocean Parkway. All that has changed. It's now the Prospect Expressway or something similarly unfortunate. My street was part of Flatbush. It was in essence a village. For example: we didn't have supermarkets. We had Seymour's Grocery Store around the corner. My mom could phone and they'd deliver. My mom would give the delivery boy a sack of deposit bottles for his tip. On the "Avenue," (that was Avenue J for us), there was

Our village had a downtown neighborhood with lovely shops and department stores - Abraham and Strauss; and the huge Paramount theatre. Built in 1928 by Paramount Studios, the theatre had 4,124 seats. It was closed in 1962 -- the same year the gorgeous Roxy theatre in Manhattan was torn down. The Paramount now serves as a gymnasium for Long Island University -- a rather unusual transformation. The original Wurlizer organ is still in place and still maintained and played for college basketball games. I went to the Paramount as a young teenager with my girlfriends to see Johnny Ray. All the girls completely lost it -- screaming and carrying on. I couldn't deal. Well, I couldn't even hear Johnny sing. I went to the phone to call my Dad, to ask him how to get home. He laughed! He told me to go across the street to Juniors Restaurant, to get a table, to order the Triplet sandwich plate for him (three neat rolls with corned beef on one, chopped liver on one, and pastrami on the third). I ordered two Triplet plates and my Dad showed up in twenty minutes. I was never a candidate for pop concerts! We also had the Brooklyn Academy of Music, which continues to be a cultural force in Brooklyn. Great beaches; restaurants; schools. I went to Midwood High School which stood/stands next to Brooklyn College.
The writer, Erich Segal, graduated from Midwood. So did Woody Allen. Actually, lots of famous people came out of Brooklyn: actors, writers, Nobel prize winners, astronauts, politicians. Midwood High was also famous for a student-run musical event called SING! which was started by Bella Tillis, a music teacher at Midwood, in 1947. I never joined SING! when I was a student. The music teacher at P.S.99 used to walk through the auditorium at assembly, listen to us singing, and tap out the ones she said had to be "whisperers" because we didn't sing well enough. As the music teacher, one would think Mrs. Lefrack might have taught us how to sing. But I brought that voice in my head to high school and never participated in the production. (A film was made about Sing! a number of years ago.)
My daughter (who is an ardent Red Sox fan) won't forgive me if I don't mention baseball. Well, you can't talk about old Brooklyn without the Dodgers. They were called the Superbas, later the Trolley Dodgers, and in 1913 -- the Dodgers. Then the Robins. In 1931, the Brooklyn Dodgers once again. It was possible in the 1950's to go to Ebbets Field, get a ticket, see a game. It was affordable enough for my brother and me to go, see a game, eat hot dogs, drink cokes, -- all with pocket money. One year, for Mother's Day, my brother Matt bought tickets to a game to take my mom. We all went, but mom was NOT very happy. Baseball was not her glass of tea! Folks dressed up to go to the games. Well, folks dressed nicely to go anywhere in public. If you watch classic baseball on the tv, you'll see what I mean. I always make a fuss about why it was more fun to go to a game back in the day. There was no "instant replay" to confuse you; and a great announcer called the game. So you knew exactly what was happening even if you were in the cheap seats. The Dodgers won the World Series in 1955. I was in downtown Brooklyn with my classmates from Midwood -- we were putting our school newspaper to bed. Suddenly, a huge explosion resounded for miles. And everything stopped.
Buses stopped in the middle of the streets and everyone including the drivers ran out screaming and cheering. Subway trains stopped and had to be coaxed into stations so the passengers could get off. People abandoned their cars to run out and join the party that enveloped the borough. I don't remember how I got home from there. I know it wasn't simple. When I hear the names of the players it's like hearing the names of family long gone: Pee Wee Reese, Gil Hodges, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella, Carl Furillo, Duke Snyder, Don Newcombe, Carl Erskine, Clem Labine, Sandy Koufax.....many more, of course. The Dodgers left Brooklyn for LA in 1957. Brooklyn has never really recovered. It was unthinkable; a death in the family. In Pittsburgh, 1958 or 1959, I walked into our campus hangout -- a benign bar nick-named The Greeks (because the fraternity boys were always there).
I was with my roommate, Margie Parker. Sitting at a booth with another guy was Sandy Koufax. I didn't faint. I walked up to him (unusual for me) and said in my best little girl voice -- "Hi Mr. Koufax. I'm from Brooklyn; and I'm a fan." Sandy invited us to join them. They bought a round of drinks and we talked. He took my number and the next time the team was in Pittsburgh, someone called with a message that two tickets were waiting at the Forbes Field -- the Pirates stadium at the time. A very special guy, Mr. Koufax.
I can't take you back with me. To play stick ball, potsy, jacks; to sit on the stoop; to go to the Candy Store -- sometimes called the luncheonette -- for an ice cream cone or, better still, a Mello Roll. The ice cream was in the shape of a cylinder, and placed in a suitably shaped cone. The trick was to unroll the ice cream from its paper wrapper without dropping it on the ground. I always dropped it on the ground. I hated Mello Rolls. But ice cream sodas -- yes! -- and a malted milk; sundaes to die for; sitting at the soda fountain. There should still be soda fountains!
Shooting ducks in Coney Island
Mickey on the right; Manny shooting; Ros and Larry
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