My Italian aunt tied red ribbons to the baby carriages. There are any number of spells to avoid the evil eye. Little bags of various herbs, necklaces or rings of particular gemstones (depending on the protection needed); even a rabbit's foot used for luck.
All of this is prelude to answering a question posed daily to me these past few weeks: Aren't you excited about your trip??? (That would be my birthday week in Italy.) I answer, "Sure." But they don't believe me because I'm not frenetic about it. Well, it's a case of "Bad rice! Bad rice!" I'm psyched; I'll get excited when I'm standing in the airport in Rome -- My friend Dennis says he's never excited about a trip until he gets there. My friend Bobbie, who's been teaching me how to pronounce Italian phrases so they might actually be understood in Italy took me to dinner last evening to my favorite North End restaurant Antico Forno. The dinner was celebratory; the rule was that I had to order in Italian. And I did! Of course, none of the wait staff were Italian or understood the language. That didn't matter after a glass of vino rosso! I guess my useless point is that if I get really excited now, when I get there I'll have spent all the emotion. I will have used it up. But going one day at a time, enjoying the approach of the holiday, will make it last that much longer. And I will be carrying a little black velvet bag that hides in my purse; it holds several good luck charms. That and a couple of valium to get me on the plane. I'm still looking for a pair of good walking shoes!
Well I hope you get some good risotto. -- Tom
ReplyDeleteI always get excited before a trip. I can't stop myself.. can't wait for back east this summer. Well it's sunday and I think you are back from yours. I thought of you all week. Maybe next time one of the girls will go with you :-)